Ideally you never want to show a vacant property. There are multiple obstacles  with potential buyers and empty spaces including, but not limited to;

  • Spaces almost always look smaller when they’re vacant.
  • Room often have odd layouts that make it difficult to envision furniture placements.
  • For many, it is difficult to make an personal connection to a space, when it's essentially and empty box.
  • It’s much easier to focus on small perceived faults in a property when it is not set as a beautiful livable space.

Furnishing a property promotes an emotional response that can stay with potential buyers, while they chose the perfect place for them to live moving forward.



Partial stages are useful under a couple of circumstances.

  • A seller is still living in the property and wants to use as many of their own items as possible. In this case I would walk through and send over my suggestions on what I’d ideally like to see removed or changed and what I would suggest to add, in the form of a detailed report. Selling a home can be among the most stressful things a person can do, and, with this in mind, I work very hard to make the process as easy and stress-free as possible. Once my suggestions are delivered, we then all work together (me, seller and agent) to figure out what is realistic and within what time frame.
  • Sometimes partial stages are chosen as a way to keep costs down. I understand money can be tight and staging is an added expense that might be difficult to justify to those that aren’t familiar with the evidence of the benefit of staging to the price, speed of sale, and appraisal. I always do my best to work within required budgets. One of the ways to do that is to not stage every room. We can work together to use each dollar for the greatest impact.



When a house is fully furnished it often needs help getting ready to show. The difference between our perfectly comfy homes designed around our lives and a house that will speak to the largest number of potential buyers is usually significant. For these situations I like to do a quick walkthrough of the property and then send over a detailed report with my room-by-room suggestions. Most of the to-dos are things that the sellers can do themselves. Things like decluttering, removing personal photos, hiding personal grooming tools, etc.. are relatively minor but make a big difference in the finished product.